Rest your head


It’s time for you to rest
You did all you could
You slayed all the dragons
You did all that was asked of you

It’s not right for me to need more
You gave us all you had
When nothing was ever given to you

You did it all on your own
I know you are tired
I know you deserved more
I wish I could have given it all to you

I wanted to know you
Somehow deeper than I did
But you had lost yourself in this life
And didn’t know what I meant

I know you loved me deeper than anyone could 
Our language was mistaken 
But our intentions pure

Rest now my love
I’m here to let you go
No more burdens to carry
No more 

You’ve done all you could have
And grateful I’ll forever be

I know I wanted more from this life
A relationship with a different heartbeat

But you had nothing more you could give
Nothing more you could do
You did the very best 
What you did was pure 

Rest your head now
Drift off to sleep
All I want for you is


the spoken word

I conceive these pieces with the beat of my heart,
then birth them with the fire of my voice.


i am ayla

born in the east, raised in the west
daughter of two academics, both artists
masters in human rights, committed to social justice
love affair with travel, art, and food
speaks four languages, laughs in all


Ayla Vejdani