Choiceless Choice


My worst nightmare
But my only choice

Sometimes the right choice is hard

Sometimes brave and courageous feel like weak

I made so many choices to stay
And they all involved leaving me
So I left you

I made a choice
That felt choice-less

I mourn
I grieve
I dream of better

I cry
I crumble
I celebrate my strength

I release what is not mine
To hold
Or carry
Or care for
And make room for what is
With grace
and unconditional love


the spoken word

I conceive these pieces with the beat of my heart,
then birth them with the fire of my voice.

Audio Block
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i am ayla

born in the east, raised in the west
daughter of two academics, both artists
masters in human rights, committed to social justice
love affair with travel, art, and food
speaks four languages, laughs in all


Ayla Vejdani